Attendance Status Report

This menu is used to show report of employee attendance status. To access this menu, go to Time & Attendance > Time & Attendance Report > Attendance Status Report, then the following page will appear.

Filter the following information before displaying the report:

  1. Attendance Date: Determine the period of which attendance status data to be displayed on the report.
  2. Attendance Status: Select "All" to show the data of all attendance status on the report. Otherwise, deselect it to choose one or some certain attendance status from the left box and move it to the right box by clicking
  3. Employee Status: Choose the status of employee whose attendance status data to be displayed on the report.
  4. Employee: Select "All" to show attendance status data of all employees. Otherwise, deselect it to choose one or some certain employees from the left box and move it to the right box by clicking . Click to filter employee appeared on the options.
  5. Hide Employee With Zero Value: Select "Yes" to hide data of employee with zero value from the report.
  6. Show Details: Select "Yes" to show the status detail on the report (list of attendance status) per selected date.

After filtering the data, click to show the report. Then the Attendance Status Report will appear as the following.

After generating the report, click one of the following buttons:

  1. : To print the Attendance Status Report and will be generated to the printer.
  2. : To export the Attendance Status Report to MS Excel file format or Spreadsheet Open Office file format.
  3. : To export the Attendance Status Report to PDF file format.
  4. : To close the Attendance Status Report.
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